Wednesday, June 30, 2010

ad-just-ment (n) A modification, fluctuation or correction

Hello hello hello blog world! I apologize for my absence- I have been feeling extremely overwhelmed and a little uninspired lately hence my lack of posts. But have no fear (!) The stress has dispersed (anyone who knows me knows this is a lie) and the creative juices have started flowing again and man oh man do I have a lot to fill you in on!

I've gone through a lot of adjustments within the past month and a half- in my personal life, my home life, my love life and well just life in general. ::Insert David Bowie's "Changes" here::
I moved back to Virginia and I'm finally all settled in (3 weeks later) This move has not only made me realize that things change, people change, places change but to EMBRACE it. If you don't embrace that which you can't control you'll become a crazy person. Exhibit A being this girl. The time leading up to my move and a couple weeks after I was so stressed out. Miserably stressed out to be exact. Change can be a scary thing and I was mortified feeling that I wasn't coming home to the security blanket that I was expecting to be there. I'm learning to let go- which is a huge step for me considering I am a self-proclaimed control steps. Luckily and surprisingly I have come home to an amazing support group of friends that I never imagined would be as close to me as they are. On the other hand some that I thought were super close, well, aren't anymore. I harbored pretty salty feelings about this for quite sometime but everything changes and that's okay. People come into your life for a reason and maybe when they leave its because their job has been done. At the end of the day Richmond makes me happy. And its time that I start worrying about what makes myself happy and not everyone else around me.
On the other side of the coin I miss my parents. I've always had a really close relationship with my parents and choosing to put myself 27 hours away is tough- most people will never experience this feeling. There's a feeling that I'm missing out on something, or what if something happens to them and I'm not there- again this is me letting go of that which I can't control. I also miss the people that I met in Texas, and the two-stepping, and Surf Club, and Mulligans, and the Santa Fe frat house, and being able to drive down ocean and see beautiful sparking aqua blue water. In a perfect world I would have all my friends from every corner of the universe all living in the same coul-de-sac. Oh well. In a perfect world...
As much as change and adaptation can suck its a good thing too, I have so many things to look forward to, catching up with old friends and making new ones, my career, and just my overall well being.

Bring it on River City, I'm ready for you.