Thursday, April 22, 2010

I have commitment issues.

Hello blog world! I have been wanting to start up a blog ever since I moved to Texas in July of '09 and I'm finally getting around to doing it. I've been putting this little ditty together since Monday- between the layouts and fonts and colors and the ever so important and catchy blog name. Geez the catchy blog name. I kept interupting my bff Linda at work with "what do you think of this for a name"..."no, nevermind I don't like that"..."hey I know you're in this uber important meeting but what do you think about this"... I'm sure you get the idea. Clearly you can see I have commitment issues. So I took some time, let it marinade and Voila! Here we are...

For those of you who don't know me, or don't know me all that well "somecallmejoyce" could be a bit confusing so I will elaborate, though it is really very simple. My last name is Joyce and while no one has ever called me anything other than Katie (expect for my parents because they call me Kate) in college there were about 7 Katies in my sorority and I guess Joyce just kinda caught on. I think I may have more people call my by my last name than by my first name. Ah well, I don't mind.

Unfortunately I have nothing cool to talk about today because my whole entire day (and by that I really mean my whole entire day) at work has been dedicated to getting this up and running...minus a couple time outs to do some e-shopping via g-chat with the lovely Linda Venema. Sidenote: if you haven't been into Anthropologie or atleast visited their website recently- do it. Go there now. They have some amazziinngg stuff. However I have been rocking out to Keaton Simmons all day, if you are not familiar than I suggest you get accquainted. He makes my little heart flutter. Hence the beautiful man at the top of the page. Mmmmmm....


1 comment:

  1. Love the name, love the design.

    Oh, and I'll be back in RIC around June, too. Planning a reunion on June 11th downtown... are you in? I would love a Hibiscus reunion back in RIC! Marshall and Jaime (your great-grandbig) will be there too!
